Be Prepared
The best properties rent quick often times before you even hear about them and without being advertised. Have an application for rent on file with a rental management company such as Fowler Realty. This will ensure you access to the nicest and cleanest properties at the best rates possible.
Be Professional
When filling out your application be professional. Use professional references (no family or friends). Ask a company like ours for help. This will ensure you get the best properties.
Clean Track Record
Keep a clean rental track record. With the resource available landlords your past will catch up to you, often times leading to you not getting the property.
Avoid Pets
Try to avoid pets. Most landlords don’t allow pets at all. Especially the nicer properties. If allowed often times they come with a higher deposit and higher monthly rent and more costs down the road.
Most often using these helpful steps can help you negotiate a lower rental rate.
Feel free to contact us to see what is available or to be placed on a list for any upcoming vacancies.